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Thursday, March 6, 2008

favorite cast ons

above cast on is my favorite to start hats knit from the top, circular or square shawls & knit doilies. I start with a slipknot which i place onto a circular needle, then into the loop i (knit,yo ) until i get the number of sts required. for even number of sts. i just knit into the back of the slip knot loop. then i divide the sts. evenly between 2 circular needles. later i will just tighten by pulling on the yarn.
I like to start most of my projects with temporary cast-ons. usually for a pullover i'll just start at the bustline for example, i'll do a few inches then temporary caston the sleeves if i'm working a stockinette raglan sweater. this allows me to custom knit the lengths of the sleeves for my kids. also if i want to knit a lace body i can then knit it down. The first one is the cochet temporary caston.Just chain enough sts. plus additional sts. turn it over & knit into the bumps, this way you can just unzip the crochet chains to reveal raw sts. The next one ..tie a slip knot into one circular needle, grab another one & wrap the yarn from back to front directions until you get the number of sts. you want,then pull the bottom needle just into the flexible area .. knit the top loops ,the bottom sts. will be the raw sts that you can knit down.
The 3rd method you will need a scrap yarn long enough to hold the raw sts.tie the project yarn & the scrap yarn together , then twist the project yarn around the scrap yarn.
this is using 2 circular needles

the crochet cast on notice i started to unzip the crochet chains
above is the twisty method.

to cast off, i like crocheting the sts. off or casting the stsoff with 1,2 or 3 st Icord. or working a lace edging sideways onto the raw sts.

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