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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

crochet and knit

a crohet top from a crohet magazine
an unlined crochet purse from a crochet magazine
a circular seamless sweater from Vogue knitting magazine.hmmm the pic is blurry, maybe i'll take another pic
a circular shrug vest free from the internet
a baby sweater i made .i think i started from theright sleeve to the right neck edge down the front around the right front edge ,round the back, round the left front edge, then up th left front edge then to the left sleeve. of course, cast on temporerily. then i marked 4 double decrease points , until the decreases butted into each other. did some short rows to shape the sleeves.worked the back sleeves & back of sweater then united them using garter kitcheners stitch at the top of the sleeves. All this inspired by Elizabeth Zimmerman.finally I-corded the edge after working the collar.
some crochet edgings i worked from a handkerchief edging i found at the antique shop
crochet beads
a crochet skirt
pillow top
this little guy is crocheted from a pattern from a crochet mag

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