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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Blankets

Here are 2 blans I am working on..

Pattern for the Thermal Baby Blanket

Cast on 96 sts.

Knit 4 ridges of garter st. ( In other words, Knit 8 rows )

Row1. K4 *k1, p1* knit the last 4 sts.

Keep the ist 4 & the last $ sts in garter st.

Row 2. K4 * K1, P1*, Knit last 4 sts.

Rows 3 & 4 Knit.

Repeat 4 rows to desired length, Knit 4 ridges garter st.

Seeded Rib Check Blanket.

Cast on 99 sts.

Knit 2 rows.

Start pattern: Keep first 4 & last 4 sts in garter st.

Row 1. Knit3 * P1, K3* Knit last 4 sts.

Row 2. Knit 1 * P1, K3* Knit last 4 sts.

Row 3 & 5. repeat row 1

Row 4 & 6. repeat row 2.

Row 7, 9, & 11. repeat row 2.

Row 8, 10, & 12. repeat row 1.

Repeat these 12 rows. After awhile you dont even need to refer to the pattern!

I am posting a pictureof the piece I am working on. It is the Seeded Rib Check Blan.

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